Engaging educational content
What we do

As part of the Faculty of Health, Education & Life Sciences, we are tasked with implementing technology-enhanced learning initiatives and supporting colleagues with the integration of digital solutions in their teaching.

Our team applies their expertise in multimedia production and instructional design to create high-quality, customised e-learning experiences.

By remaining up-to-date with the application of technology in higher education and developments in the wider EdTech industry, we continuously explore innovative learning and teaching approaches.

Simulation & Serious games

For more than two decades, our primary focus has been the development of immersive online simulations for students of nursing, midwifery and allied health professions. We created our online virtual patient platform, known as the Virtual Case Creator (VCC) in the early 2000’s. Working closely with academic staff to align content to their learning and teaching objectives, we were able to develop many engaging and effective virtual patient scenarios. With each iteration, the VCC platform became more sophisticated, eventually integrating numerous gamified reward and recognition features to enhance learner engagement.

Drawing on our experiences with the VCC, we have embarked on a journey to create a new online simulation platform that will employ the latest advancements in 3D for the web which we believe will provide our students with high-fidelity experiential learning opportunities and a greater level of immersion.


To add even more realism to high fidelity simulation learning Tim Marquis (Learning Technologist, OSIME), has been creating moulage for actors and students that play parts in many of our simulation learning activities as well as supplying props to many departments to be used in teaching.

Lacerations, abrasions, stabbings and de-gloving injuries in addition to many more have been created to heighten the reality of our simulation teaching activities as well as added realism to the Faculty debridement courses.


E-learning is a broad term, encompassing various technology-enhanced learning approaches. You may be interested in flipped classrooms/blended learning, microlearning or some form of experiential learning solution. You may wish to convey complex concepts in a more accessible way, identify knowledge gaps or provide context for further learning. We can work with you to identify your e-learning needs and determine the solution that will have the maximum benefit for your students.

OSIME produces bespoke SCORM compliant learning resources, bringing together multiple media types and learning interactions, which can be integrated seamlessly into Moodle. Custom e-learning can enhance the learning experience traditionally available via Moodle and lead to increased engagement.

3D Visualisation

Whether you aim to offer your students opportunities for virtual interaction with equipment they may encounter in practice, exploration of real-world environments, or images that would otherwise be impossible to achieve, a 3D learning resource may be the perfect solution.

3D models and animation offer a level of realism and complex interaction that 2D media cannot provide. We use our development skills to integrate 3D elements into our e-learning and simulation projects as well as to produce stand-alone informative visualisations, such as the example show here.

Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term that encompasses a spectrum of technologies that provide immersive virtual experiences for users. XR covers virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) hardware and software products. The OSIME team actively researches the application of these technologies to learning and the related products on the market.

Emerging XR technologies have the potential to transform the learning experience for students. Virtual environments can transport learners to any location, immersing them in challenging and realistic, yet risk-free learning scenarios. We are always looking for new XR products that could have a meaningful impact on learning and teaching.


Our skilled team of digital designers are able to take ideas from concept to completion. Through the development stages of prototyping/wireframing and UI/UX design, we provide opportunities to test designs and gather valuable feedback from stakeholders. Our outputs are designed to be responsive and meet the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Good visual communication plays a key role in the success of any knowledge transfer project. Poor visual or interaction design can negatively affect the user experience, leading to reduced engagement. The OSIME team ensures that effective user-centered and accessible design values are at the heart of everything we make.


Integrating video content can significantly enhance the quality of your e-learning solution. Video allows complex concepts and processes to be visualised and explained effectively. Narrative-driven videos can be used to enhance learning by providing memorable context-rich case studies. Soft skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork can be illustrated through scripted scenarios. Video can be used to showcase practical skills and best practice, enabling self-paced observational learning opportunities.

Videos can feature a blend of media types, bringing together illustration, animation, 3D, presentation and voiceover elements to meet the needs of your learning objectives. We are experienced in film and editing techniques and can assist you with storyboarding and scripting.